I’m new at a school and i (16F) only talk with one guy (17M). He’s hyper and sometimes draining but he’s really nice over all.

I used to be alone during recess until I started talking w him and it’s usually just the two of us because he also used to spend them alone, another reason why I think it’s cool spending time there.

I currently do not want anything more than friendship with him. But I did notice ppl look at us a lot but today a guy came and was like “you two spend recess together? Ohh I see I won’t say anything” like tf

He was clearly uncomfortable and so was I. The looks already made me uncomfy but this was my last straw.

Now I don’t want to be with him because I hate this feeling,, but at the same time I do because we are in similar situations.

What should I do?

  1. Just ignore people, they’re gonna be assholes about things no matter what you do. I wouldn’t ditch your friendship because of idiots like that

  2. hey, i am 27 and let me tell you – do not, ever, give in to some other kids trashtalking. you don’t need the approval of others, you can be proud of yourself and of your friend. if you enjoy the time talking to him, nothing else matters – period. life is harsh already, better spend it with a person who understands rather than give in to some stupid, insecure kids who don’t have any other coping than let other people feel uncomfortable. and you know what? looking back at school, it honestly doesn’t matter anymore who was „cool“ or how other ppl see you. screw them – there is honestly nothing more precious than people who you trust and who you can rely to. even if it’s not him for ever, you stay with people you feel comfortable with!

  3. Kids are immature, it’s unlikely that their comments will stop. If you want to do something you could question them (e.g. someone makes a comment, you ask them to explain their words, they say that you guys are dating since you’re always together, ask if they mean that girls and boys can’t be friends, if they say yes then you could question them about their own interactions with the other gender). Or you know, you could just ignore it, don’t show that you are bothered and keep hanging out with your friend. But ngl, y’all are already old enough to ignore those kind of comments. You and him aren’t the only boy-girl friends. You might not be able to stop other people’s comments but don’t let their comments influence your relationships. You won’t keep running away from all of your friendships just because other immature kids make annoying comments, would you?

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