We’ve only hung out a few times and stopped talking for a few weeks. We’re chatting now/catching up and I’m debating if it’s weird to end a text with “miss you!” I do miss him and would like to start seeing him again, would that scare you away?

  1. dont know, it would depend on the person so the only generic answer i can give is just wait a while longer

  2. It really depends on the person and how they’re feeling. You could say something like, “I’ve been thinking about when we did (xyz) and I miss it! Want to do something like that soon?”

  3. I would be very happy to recieve that message, and wouldnt find it weird at all.

    And even if it was weird you should still send the message. Better to be with a great guy and be weird than to be lonely and normal.

  4. If he is not into you, yes it will weird him out and he will ghost you. If he likes you, he might take it as a compliment. Just better not say it unless you’re actually exclusive with eachother.

  5. I guess it depends on the level of familiarity you’re both at. Personally I think asking him whether he wants to meet up is sufficient. If you just say ‘miss you’, he might say it back but not take any action on it, and as you have had a period of not communicating at all, you could easily fall back into that.

  6. Just say you miss how you used to hang and talk and ask if he’s interested in trying again. And make it clear if not you’re happy to remain friends

  7. It could come across as desperate.

    But I guess you’re not dating, and you’re just friends? Then perhaps that could be okay, a sort of confession.

    It would depend on how flirtatious you are and how oblivious he is. Probably better to compose a different text. If you guys are just friends, it’s pretty normal to leave people in their own zone for weeks. Maybe just text him “Sup?”

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