When does your partner go from frequently visiting to living with you?

  1. So far, never. I dont allow them to move in. They try to do it little by little. First they leave a toothbrush. Then hair products. Then extra undies. Then body wash.

    I just dont allow it. And they have tried to be sneaky about it and leave it not-so-hidden. But when i find it, i toss it.

  2. Honestly, if a significant other just kept on spending more and more time here and eventually stopped going back to their place, I probably wouldn’t even notice.

    ~1 year is a good point to have the “move in together” conversation if we’re spending 5-7 nights/week together, but it also depends a lot on where the people are in their lives.

    Big difference between leaving your parents’ basement to move into a girl’s apartment versus one of you having to sell their house.

  3. Depends on a few circumstances. Are you ready for that type of commitment long term first of all. How comfortable are you with her have you seen the ugly. Obviously finances, how are you guys going to split the bills if you’re not going to be paying for everything. How long have you guys been in a relationship for. What are her habits does she clean up after herself and what not. Does she cook or clean? Lastly your exit plan incase things do go sour, I’ve seen some relationships where they can’t get out of their living situation because of money, rent etc. Id say answer those questions and you’ll figure out pretty quickly if you’re ready for that.

  4. For me it was when she started bringing more and more of her stuff whenever she would come over. And once when she gave me a kiss, said “good night baby and don’t stay up too late” and told me that she was going to sleep and she went into my room instead of going home it hit me like a ton of bricks.

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