I 32F had been a long distance relationship with my ex fiancee 35M for 4 years and we did a few trips over one year before he proposed. I always knew we have compatibility issues but he brushed it off many times saying it would work out all fine. I could see he loves me a lot and he supported me always especially with my emotions. I was also in love with him but I wasnt crazily in love with him before covid. Covid happened and we didnt see each other for 2 years but during that period I got very emotionally attached to him and my love for him grew. Recently I moved to his country for us to get married and the same compatibility issues I faced earlier haunted me in the face. I loved him and I was trying to work through our issues. He was always 100% sure we would work out and wanted to marry whereas I was taking my time to solve our issues before we get married. However 2 weeks back I saw he is sending flirtatious messages to a friend of his. The friend never flirted back though. So it was just him sending her 2 one liner flirts to her. When I confronted him, he completely denied sending such messages, deleted the conversation on his chat account as soon as I asked him to show me his instagram message with this friend and then lied on my face about it saying such message never existed on his phone. 3 days later he admitted to all his lies and said it was a habit to flirt but it was only texts. He said such texts gave him comfort when things have been rocky between us. I asked him if he is flirting with more girls but he reassured me he wasnt. However just last week I told him to show me his other social media account and he said he has deleted that account. He didnt show me the account and said although he doesnt remember clearly but there might be messages there that will hurt me if I saw it. The messages he said were flirtatious in nature but he said it was all texts and he never video chatted or met up with them. He then comes back to me with his phone 30 mins later and asked me to look through his messages. I found nothing on his snapchat. He then tells me oh well nothing is there so maybe he never sent such texts he was just being overly cautious when he said he might have done so. I found that weird and knew he probably took 30 mins to delete his snapchat messages. Anyway he didnt admit to deleting anything this time around. I then asked him why did he lie about it when I asked him recently if he was flirting with others. He said he wanted to let go of what wrong things he did thus he deleted that social media account and I am just holding on to things. At that point I told him I cant do this and left the country. Although he asked me not to leave him he helped me with my packing and mentioned if breaking up will help me with my pain then he wont come in the way. I am now back in my country and all I can do is think about him. I am missing him, I want to talk to him. I just cannot do no contact with him but he suggested if we want to heal we cannot keep in touch like before. I feel like all my anger has gone and I am only remembering all the good times with him. I miss him. I am having second thoughts on leaving him. What do you guys think? Did I do the right thing?

Tl;dr Broke up with fiancé, caught him texting flirtatious texts, have too much love for him but always had compatibility issues. Was he really cheating?

  1. The writing is on the wall. Your intuition is clearly screaming at you that there are compatibility issues between you two but you are choosing to ignore it.

    Question: Do you want to be with a bloke who flirts with other women as a coping mechanism every time you guys go through a rough patch? Do you want to be with a bloke who lies and gaslights you when you call him out on his behaviour? If yes, then go back to him!

  2. He cheated, lied to you and deleted everything. Do you wanna be with someone like that?

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