So basically I’m sitting in my last year of college, I’ve given up on friends and love. Tbh I don’t blame myself for everything like I used too, this uni, doesn’t have good clubs, it’s rated one of the most depressing universities and everyone watches anime and plays smash. Idk what to say, is there anyone that understands my pain. Constantly left out, ghosted by people when u ask to hang out or is it just me. Am I just cursed or is someone else feeling the same way.

  1. Get through the year. Then rebuild after you graduate and start the new chapter of your life. In the mean time, if you’re lonely, just do what everyone else does, Smash and anime, you don’t have to like it.

  2. Get hobbies dude, whatever you fancy, you don’t need to be good at them, and go to places where you can do those things and meet people, maybe it takes you 10/100/1000 you don’t know, but if you are having a good time you will find people having it too, and then just build rapport.

    It feels weird and scary at first, but after a while, you will meet great guys.

    I am searching for that same thing you want, and I meet loads of people lately without finding it, yet I have so much fun doing things I enjoy..

    And remember give it time, there is plenty.

  3. I’ve been struggling with this for awhile. I had an old friend reach out to me and schedule to play games and meet-up with me in person only to ghost me every single time. One of those times being my birthday, which hurt the most because he promised to hangout but whatever. I’m in the same boat because I used to blame myself for people not wanting to be my friend and not being able to connect with people, but I know that this is bigger than me. This seems like more of a generational problem than anything else because everyone is disconnected doing their own things, so you can’t take it too personally. The best it seems that we can do is find some hobbies, practice approaching people, and hope for the best.

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