How does your junk smell and is it bad or good?

  1. I work construction. After a 12 hour day in the summer I could use a little freshening up.

  2. Smells like sweat, I guess. Not much different than a woman’s crotch. Or maybe I’m just smell-blind to my own balls. Nobody has complained..

  3. i’ve been told my balls / junk / general body odor smells “like tacos”

    i think it’s because i eat a lot of chile pepper and cumin

    but u know, bitches love tacos

  4. I’m not flexible enough to know the answer to that. My gf doesn’t seem to have an issue with it though.

    Edit: I guess I could swab my dick with my hand and then smell it.

  5. Good hygiene. Eats relatively well, sleep a little, stay active.

    I don’t think I’ve had a lady say I smell bad? So either good or neutral?

  6. Good god, you’re a creepy weirdo for asking this. You asked this same question 3 different times. Go to the doctor to get whatever problem you’re having fixed, or go sniff some random cocks and find out. What the hell are you expecting here?

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