How did you make yourself more optimistic?

  1. I forget what the term is but it’s when you reframe negative thoughts. That and antidepressants.

  2. Rather than finding reasons to complain, I started appreciating my circumstances more instead. I actively made myself look at my surroundings and put a positive note to it “Wow I’ve got a roof over my head!” “So glad there’s food in this fridge.” “Man, taking a shower is so heavenly.” Of course I express the sad feels when need be, but overall now I see things in a better light.

  3. I took a big step back from paying attention to the news. Not altogether, but definitely very measured, daily doses now.

    Also, (and this is very specific to my own life), started changing the type of humor I consumed, regarding stand-up comedians and podcasts I was listening to. Started to be more aware of cynical attitudes, and would listen to them less.

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