If I would have known that the next 5 years of my life I would be single and struggle with dating I wouldn’t have broken up with my ex. This sounds horrible and I would never go back to him just for the reason I am lonely and can’t seem to find love now, he deserves better, the best! He was wonderful and so good to me and truly loved me. 100% know that this is not a reason to settle in a relationship that did not work out but am I the only one who sometimes thinks like that? Like wow had I really known that these types of guys are a little bit rare I wouldn’t have let him go

  1. it didn’t make me want to get back with my ex. however, it made me appreciate him more. he was a solid guy with very admirable qualities. we just wanted very different things in life.

  2. Just because he was a good guy with good qualities doesn’t mean he was good for you or your lifestyle.

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