For years I relied on my friendships that I made in the military so much that I didn’t even make any friends at home, I’d just travel to them. Well now I’m curiously friendless at home, my only interaction in my free time is with my wife. I need a kick in the ass to try a club or sports league, I’ve been talking about it for years but afraid to take the first step in actually going.

  1. So… I haven’t had this problem. I honestly feel like I have too many friends and not enough time.

    What I’ve seen that has helped a lot of people is doing what you talked about, joining a club/team/activity to befriend people with similar interest [+]


    Also, TY for your service [+]

  2. Well, granted you’re probably in better shape, but I know in my early 30s I and a bunch of work colleagues started an ultimate Frisbee group. Great for being friends, but we all fucked up our bodies in some stupid way. Torn ACLs, broken ankles, gallbladder crap… Anyway, meetup, shared interests, whatever, just remember the healing time.

  3. Clubs are fine. Church is, too, if you go to one. Hobby groups are another possibility. I think friend ads are still a thing but I haven’t checked the Craigslist Community forum in a while.

    I had no friends here when I moved. I now have a couple of friends I met in the parking lot, another one I met on the bus, several from church, and one of my close friends I met at a temp job. But these were before people had their heads stuck to their phones. I find it fun talking to strangers on the bus or plane, but it’s impossible now with everyone stuck to their phones.

    My best bud moved to San Francisco so that spot is vacant in my monthly life for hanging out. Maybe I’ll get a dog. They’re great companions and people magnets. Also, being married with kids sets up limitations vs being single.

  4. Meetup groups. After I got divorced a few years ago I was mostly down to friends from work. The house was too quiet and I was going crazy. I knew a friend of my ex had used it, so I figured I’d give it a try.

    In short I have made a bunch of friends and met a bunch of awesome people. I now have a girlfriend, which neither of us were really looking for but we’re both positives in each other’s lives.

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