If I’m asked how old are you by a young person and outside of a doctor’s office, I’ll likely say “An age I want nothing to do with. If I could choose an age to be this year, it’d be 22 because I would’ve preferred to be born in 2000.”

I’m not ready to be my own age. I don’t want younger people to automatically put me in some leadership role I’m not interested in. I don’t want them to set a bar too high for me to reach. My social skills level doesn’t match my own age. I also don’t want to be seen as socially incompetent; I’d rather just be assumed to be younger instead.

  1. >I don’t want younger people to automatically put me in some leadership role I’m not interested in.

    You don’t have to take that invitation, you don’t have to give them leadership.

    >Is it normal for any man to choose to hide his age?

    Some men have a problem with it, some men don’t. You do have a problem with it. You just wrote so.

    Life might go easier for you if you didn’t. Maybe a therapist could help you get rid of that problem. There are affordable and accessible options now like BetterHelp.com

  2. Dude this goes way deeper than your age. I would talk to a therapist to sort this out.

    Also just come up with a couple of cheeky one liners to respond with. That way you are prepared and it’s not some awkward thing.

  3. Most of my friends still feel like teenagers trapped in aging bodies. When I look in the mirror I’m surprised at the wrinkles and marks time creates. Honestly, when I realized we’re all just kids trapped in aging bodies I became a lot more compassionate towards others. But that’s beside the point. A lot of people feel this way.

    I don’t think you need to go to therapy for it unless you snap at everyone like that. But you do need to make peace with your newly found white ball hairs.

    I’ll also add this is a good thing to be reflective about and a very good topic for this sub.

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