I’ve been feeling pretty shit but really it’s not one specific thing. I’m afraid if I speak up, my wife will feel bad and think she’s failing.

Talking about feeling weak is very against my nature (toxic masculinity, yes, I know).

When she’s feeling low or needs space, she just says it and it’s usually just a brief hour or so, no drama.

  1. Easy. Baby I’ve had a rough couple of days. And I’m sure you have noticed I’ve not been myself lately. Would you let me pee in your butt?

  2. We just send each other text saying “Im feeling really down tonight and need some extra love”.

    I understand that you want to stay strong but IMO admitting to your loved one you need help is also an act of being strong.

  3. If you can’t even be open about your emotions with your wife, you have no business being married.

  4. i’m tired honey, do you mind to rub my back/massage my forehead

    another option, when lay down on the bed togethet, just say “hug me please”

  5. I don’t have to do anything actively, she just knows within minutes of seeing me, always.

  6. We’ve been together long enough that it’s very easy to read each other’s mood with a glance.

    Usually she’ll ask what’s wrong and listen while I vent. If I’m feeling sad, head goes in lap and she’ll play with my hair

  7. Just tell her. Toxic masculinity is a helluva drug and the fastest way off is to just talk. She wants a partner (if she doesn’t, well that’s a different question) and being a partner means you share. It’s all good my man – she’ll be glad you opened up.

  8. I just tell her I fell bad and, if I’m aware of it, what I need from her.

    As one might expect, she is invested in my well-being, as I am in hers.

    That’s it.

  9. Communication is the answer to almost every relationship issue. Tell her how you feel, how it has nothing to do with her and that she isn’t failing, and that you need some support.

    If you can’t be honest with your spouse, what’s the point?

  10. I just let her know I’m having a low day.

    My wife is very supportive. She always responds by asking if there’s anything she can do to help. Usually, I just need a quiet space to lay down for a bit, and she’s always cool with it.

    Having a supportive partner helps. You said she never reacted poorly to it. So your wife is supportive and wants what is best for you. You should communicate. She’ll appreciate it.

    I hope you feel better OP.

  11. Just do what women do. Sigh loudly, do the silent treatment, and then explode when she asks you what’s wrong and reply with “you should’ve noticed weeks ago!”.

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