Hey fellow redditors and love gurus.
Today I stand in front of you with a grand question.
Let me explain the situation. About 6 years ago when I was 23 years old, I went to the uni. There was this girl I always saw who was going to the same uni, but we never attended the same class. As you can guess I got a huge crush on her, and at the time didn’t see a good opportunity to speak to her. 6 years have passed and she still occasionally comes to my mind. I do have her Instagram as at the time she showed up at the people you might know list, but I have never added her.

What is the best thing to do in this situation? Should I try and speak to her, or just tell her straight away that I have a crush ever since I have seen her. Or just leave it as it is. Opinion from a 3rd perspective is needed!

Thank you so much in advance my friends ❤️

  1. Direct approach.

    “Hey funny to get you recommended here. We were at the same uni and back then I had a little crush on you. If you have time to grab a coffee together and talk about what happened since let me know.”

    Dont expect an answer. Dont stalk her. Just give her the chance to respond without pressuring her to. One Message not more. Everything more would just be creepy and we stay cool dudes here.

    Worst thing that can happen, you dont get a responce. Wellp after so long it is understandable but not really a problem. Best thing is you grab a coffee together. Nothing to lose.

  2. Can you tell whether she has a significant other?
    If it appears she does not, go ahead and reach out to her. Just keep it friendly at first, and see if she responds.

    Usually if there’s a suggestion, you have mutual friends. You could mention that.

    Maybe something like, Hey! I think we went to the same college! You popped up as a suggested add and I noticed we both know (whoever). I recognized you because I admired you from afar back then, just too shy to talk to you 😉
    Would you be open to meeting for coffee or lunch one day?

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