Personally I need something every day, but the wife is understandably not the same way.

How do you deal with this?

  1. Give her the first crack at it, and take care of it yourself if she won’t. As long as she gets the first shot, there should be no complaints.

  2. You establish sexual compatibility before marriage, early in the relationship

    Unless she’s significantly changed, at this point you don’t have much leverage as you’ve both established precedent

    Try talking to her and see if you can reach a compromise, but otherwise you deal with it or you leave

  3. So you will ask strangers for advice rather than speak directly with your partner ?

  4. I married a woman who likes having sex everyday

    That way I only have to have to masturbate once a day…

  5. Whatever you did when you were single.. suffer? Jerk off a lot? Surely you didn’t get hookups ever day when you were single.

    How often DOES she want it? What’s the difference like?

  6. Same situation for me, I just do the hammer dance.
    It’s my body to do with all I see fit and if my advances towards her aren’t accepted I just handle business myself.

  7. How do you NOT deal with it?
    Most men want action more than thier partners… it’s a way of life. Not a “ask strangers on the internet” kind of thing.
    Grow up and realize nobody’s life should revolve around your “need” to cum.

    This “I can’t help myself, I have such a high drive” gives off mad rape vibes. imo

  8. Open the relationship. I am currently in a triad with 2 women and have 2 other fwb’s.

    At least one of them is looking for some fun on any given day.

  9. My wife and I have an open jerking it policy . I’m an exhibitionist , and if she doesn’t want to play , no offense taken . Sometimes I’m at 3 times a day at 30 , just rub em out dude .

  10. you cant control others, so you need to find a way to deal with it, for me i swept most issues under the carpet, works well as long as i dont walk over that carpet again

  11. You suffer.

    Really though: work something out with your wife. She may not want full-on sex every day, but that doesn’t mean that she can’t or won’t accommodate you in other ways if you talk to her about this. There’s plenty of kinky stuff that you can do which doesn’t require a lot from her, but which you will enjoy more than masturbating by yourself just because she’s participating. And she may enjoy it as well, even if not in a sexual way.

  12. Just once a day?

    I certainly wouldn’t consider that excessive.

    What is her “normal”?

    Failing that – pregabalin.

  13. Self serve can help and you don’t “need” it every day. You won’t die if you miss out on sex a few times a week.

  14. Has she always mismatched, or has something changed? Has she started taking medications?
    How often does she masturbate? Does she watch porn/read erotica? What kind of toys does she have? What time of the day does she get horny and does that match up with you? If she doesn’t want sex is she willing to do other things? My husband is lower libido than me but he doesn’t mind being present when I do stuff to myself. I’ve scheduled sex with my husband so he knows when to get mentally prepared for it. What Turns her on? What can you do to make her feel attractive? I’m flexible with the timing with my husband, sometimes I will ask if he wants sex and he will say not right not but Maybe in a hour, and I accept that compromise. I have several sex toys to pick up the slack.

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