Hello everyone,

I am a hugeeee introvert. It’s funny because one-on-one, I’m great at my job, which is sales.

However, I noticed that once the group becomes 4+ (especially if my bosses are there) I get nervous and shut down. I dont know what to say. Don’t know how to jump in to contribute to a conversation. Feel awkward. Start sweating and fidgeting.

The last meeting I had with the VP and some of my peers I literally said 4 words. Maybe less. I felt embarrassed.

This time my boss told me I just need to speak up. But don’t “speak too much or too little. Just the right amount.” Well how am I supposed to know what that is!?!?! He told me “you need to become someone else at work. At these meetings. Put on a mask like a superhero.” Not kidding.

Anyone have any suggestions or tips before our meeting so I can atleast stand out from the last meeting we had? Thank you.

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