Is it being kind? Being honest? Intellect? I would say mine is strength and empathy due to listening to others and offering support when I can. I also do my best to keep my head up.

  1. I’m very empathetic and fair. I can listen to people speak without interrupting, make them feel heard and then be able to give my view on things in a way that respects both of our points. People say I’m really easy to talk to.

  2. My libido. Although, my wife and possibly a few of the girls at work would say that it’s going to get me into trouble someday.

  3. Hmm. I’m very even tempered. It’s been very useful in personal and professional relationships.

  4. I just be nice to people. I know I could be mean if I wanted to but there is no point to that imo.

  5. I’m usually the guy everyone goes to for advice. I also have a way of making people feel comfortable enough to open up relatively quick.

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