So I’ve received a letter where I was living before that said I’ve been called for jury service, the issue is that I wasn’t there and I didn’t know about this letter until two days ago. (The date was for the 10th of this month) I break up with my ex and I’ve returned to my previous address and I’ve found this letter, now I don’t know what to do! I’m quite bit stressing for the £1k fine 😵‍💫

  1. While I have no experience in this sort of situation, I’d suggest getting in touch with the court service and explaining what happened, rather than waiting for them to come after you. Starting off with contact coming from you *might* just help smooth things out.

  2. Going back 20 years ago, I got my dates confused. Misread the letter and turned out I was a week or. Tammy them up to explain, they said fair enough and I didn’t need to turn up. No fine. Best ring them up to explain, see if you are still needed, show willing.

  3. You are going to have to go on the run and spend the rest of your life as a fugitive, unfortunately.

    If you’re unable to make it across the border to another country, I’d suggest holing up in a remote wilderness area in Scotland, spending your days whittling spoons and eating wild berries.

    Failing that, I’d just call them and explain the situation.

  4. They don’t send them recorded delivery, so they’ve no way of ever knowing you received it.

  5. Call them up and explain the situation. They’re not completely unreasonable if you have a decent excuse and they may either postpone it until a future date or just let you off.

  6. Don’t worry, call explain and that’ll be it. It’s happened to me as uni student. They don’t care that much.

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