**TL;DR**: Wife held a talent show at our reception where her friend sang an original song. One of the guests was a producer on the side and networked with her afterwards. My wife became bitter and demanded I cut off our friend group

I (m28) knew her since college, and I’ll get that out of the way first. The past few days have shown a different side of her that’s a little surprising because Kate is her best friend from college. My wife (Nancy) wanted to do a mini talent show at our reception, and she talked it up beforehand too. She read a poem that she made for the event, and Kate performed a song that she wrote. Long story short, one of the guests who I invited is into producing, and he reached out to her after she performed. They exchanged information, and Kate was really excited. He wanted to network with her following the reception, and she even thanked my wife for hosting the talent show over text

But Nancy became really bitter about it, and that’s why I’m writing this. She hasn’t responded to Kate’s message, and she said she regretted doing the talent show too. She also asked me to block Edward (the producer) on my socials/contacts, and I told her that that seemed a bit much. She didn’t like my answer and said that I was wrong to “not take her side after just getting married”, but I told her that she should be happy for her friend. She didn’t like that either and vented to some in our friend group about how Kate was “bragging”, but some of them disagreed. She said she didn’t want to hang out with them for the time being, and that included me too. Two of her girlfriends even texted me that she was “overreacting” and that they were also surprised to see her act that way (they also asked if she was okay too). My dad is suggesting counseling and said that asking me to remove friends is an unhealthy way to start a marriage, and I’m honestly more than a little scared. I asked if she’d be open to counseling, but she said there was “no need” because “Kate was her friend first” and I “shouldn’t choose Kate over her.” I just want to ask what to do next since she refused counseling and sees no issue with cutting off our friends

edit: *I want to add that Nancy complained that her poem didn’t get as good of a reception as Kate’s song. Kate didn’t study music in college but practices on the side, and her text was really thankful for the opportunity that the talent show provided. Kate is also engaged to her long-time boyfriend*

  1. Your dad is absolutely right, this isn’t a healthy way to start a marriage, or a healthy way to act in general, and she should get counseling. But if she refuses I honestly can’t really say what you should do other than keep trying to talk some sense into her. Whatever happens, don’t give in to her unreasonable demands. You and your friends haven’t done anything wrong, and you shouldn’t have to cut them off.

  2. This one is simple: on her wedding day her friend turned out to be more talented, successful and basically outshined her (at least, in her opinion). She kinda set herself up for that by organizing a talent show, welp.

    I would try to address that you still think she was a star of the evening, stunning, beautiful bride. Ofc do not block your friends, maybe just mute them on social media as a compromise?

  3. Your wife and insecure and jealous of her friend, she needs to grow up and start supporting her friend Kate like any good friend should. What woman/friend wouldn’t be thrilled for their friend to be given this opportunity? Your wife needs a reality check and it’s not all about her. Good luck to your marriage

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