10 being you are a sucker for it, 1 being you despise it, and 5 being you’re indifferent.

I strongly say 10/10. I think short hair looks *really* cute, I don’t know why. I’ve asked a few of my friends but most of them either don’t care or prefer long hair.

I’m talking about on women BTW.

  1. i’m the complete opposite.

    I *love* long hair and I generally don’t find short hair attractive. of course it depends on the person, some pull it off better than others.

    so like 2

  2. Any length of hair can look really cute. Just depends on the woman.

    I don’t prefer one over the other though

  3. Depends on the girl’s face and how short the hair is. Decent short hair on a decent face is a 10

  4. On men? Always short hair. On women? There is no woman who looks better with short hair than with long hair.

  5. I feel like only a few girls can rock short hair but every girl looks better with long hair than short hair

  6. 0, long hair is always better, no exceptions. Some girls can pull off short hair, but long is still better. There’s just something youthful and sexy about long hair. Especially for middle age women, long hair takes ten years off their apparent age.

  7. Idk really.. I grew my hair out once and I actually looked good with long hair. I maintained it well and got plenty of compliments. But my gf really prefers my short hair. I wouldn’t mind to grow it out again (to donate it like I did the first time)

  8. Depends on the girl honestly. Any hair style will work as long as it fits her face structure and reflects her style/personality.

    Generally speaking, I’m not a fan of super short hair. But some girls can pull off the pixie cut very well.

  9. Depends on the woman it’s attached to, but I’ve never seen a woman who didn’t look good with long hair and have seen some very unflattering short cuts. So per your ranking I’d say 2 or 3.

  10. It totally depends on the woman. Some look amazing with short hair, others can’t pull it off.

  11. 2/10.

    Not so bad that a person can’t pull it off and look amazing, but definitely an uphill battle to me compared to longer hair.

  12. That’s a loaded question… The wife is smoking hot with long hair. Downside is it’s always EVERYWHERE! In my face, stuck in my beard, clogging up the shower drain.

    The wife with short hair is also smoking hot. But there is less to hold on to, always cold in the winter, she complains it’s always in her face but can’t tie it up.

    It’s a double edged sword

  13. Wow….I guess I’m gonna be the first 10 here then. I feel like short hair with the right do can look ridiculously stylish and ooz sex appeal.

  14. Beautiful women become “cute” when they go with short hair, “cute” women become average women and average women become – “meh.”

  15. I am a 3. There are some girls that it works for. Some it does not. If they have a chubby face, Ima say 0.

  16. I’d say 5 cus not every woman can pull off short hair, but k sometimes like it.

    I’ll always remember this time when I went to spend a night with my ex girlfriend and saw that her hairs were so different than before. She dyed them blond and got REALLY shirt hairs on one side, and the rest was longer. She was so freaking beautiful and sexy like that. Damn that night was nice.

  17. Men or women?
    I prefer my bitches bald and masculine like the rock Johnson, and my bros long haired and feminine like cardi b

  18. Long hair almost always. Some women can pull off short but it’s on a case by case basis.

  19. It really depends on the woman. Some women look better with short hair and others look better with long.

  20. 5, I would say. It really depends on the person, it can look great on some women, and on others it can look horrible.

  21. Depends on the girl. 90’s Demi Moore, the chick from Point Break, the chick from Happy Gilmore, hell yeah that short hair.

  22. 4. I definitely prefer long hair, but short hair isn’t a huge deal. Hair length is pretty low on the list of things I’m looking at.

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