To married men whose wife didnt like them at first, how did you get them to like you?

  1. Why wouldn’t your wife like you at the _start_ of your marriage? (Besides forced or arranged marriages)

  2. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to get your wife to like you may vary depending on the individual situation. However, some tips on how to get your wife to like you may include being understanding and patient, showing genuine interest in her and taking care of yourself both physically and emotionally.

  3. It was just briefly online when I first messaged her, she told me to fuck off.

    So I called her a princess and apologized for bothering her in a smart ass way and that’s what turned things around.

  4. If she doesn’t find you attractive she never will(unless you lose weight or get surgery) these type of situations are purely financial. She’s basically just a whore.

  5. I didn’t give up on her. I wasn’t annoying by insisting, I was respectful but I kept talking to her until she decided to go out with me to give me a chance.

  6. We had mutual friends, so we kept on running into each other at the same bars and parties. As I typically do, I made a really bad first impression, and then she slowly revised her opinion of me over time. Seven months later, we started dating, and the rest is history.

  7. Her cousin liked me and I rejected her. Wife at time said I was not all that. Few years later, I basically didn’t do anything except dance with a girl at a party. She approached me afterwards and we started chatting. After awhile of dating, I asked her about it and she said when I saw you with that girl, I told myself you were going to be mine and you are all that and more.

  8. Not sure if I may comment here as a woman, but I’m the wife of a man I didn’t like at first and who “got me” to like him. How? With genuine affection and pure, innocent love. He wasn’t really my type and I tried to get rid of him in a nice way, but we were in the same friend group and he was around even after that. Very respectfully, he didn’t try to make a move again after my initial refusal, but I could feel he was still into me from the way he was looking at me and acting around me. One day, it hit me that this guy was genuinely and deeply in love with me as a person and that he was one of the very rare guys who liked me just the way I was and that he wasn’t just there for the boobs. And that got my attention for sure. I’ll cut the story short, he made it out of the friendzone and I’m typing this while I sit across from him and our two kids who are watching Dino Dana together. Best decision of my life, so glad I changed my mind 🙂

  9. i once knew a woman who married a man whom she did not like at first. he was a well to do lawyer who pursued her and he wasnt her type. eventually she realized that if they wed, she would no longer have to work for a living. then she liked him very much

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