For context I’m probably prime Tate target audience as a early 20s young man

But he kinda just shows up on my tik tik every other video and one was saying how Tate was walking to college from the council estate while a guy drove a Ferrari This then proved to him how people knew to how break the matrix. All his mates just went “ oh cool car”

My question really is did Andrew Tate really just “work hard” and “grind” to get his money or is there something I’m missing

I realise its partly to sell his lifestyle so you’ll buy a hustlers university subscription

  1. I mean behind the charade there could be legitimacy… but he’s more than likely just representative of an odious, shyster of a man preying on an easy target..

  2. (I dislike him for what he says)

    Skip all his bull shit away he was a pro fighter and has made alot of money. But I won’t really follow his steeps

  3. Apparently he left kickboxing broke. He made his money initially through setting up a webcam business that employed around 70 girls.

    Could have been legit and the girls may have been treated fairly but knowing all we know about him… I doubt it.

    Is that working hard? For me personally, no.

    I’m from a deprived area in the UK. Several of my friends were the first in their families to attend university. They graduated, got good jobs, most moved away for work, they have mortgages and cars and more disposable income than their parents had when they were their age.

    That’s winning at life in my books.

  4. I won’t pretend to know much about Andrew Tate, but wasn’t a kick-boxer who became and “influencer” and started posting some questionable shit online?

    I guess he’s “won” in the sense he has a lot of money now, but there’s loads of people from poorer backgrounds who’ve done that.

  5. A lot of people make money peddling hate on social media nowadays. It’s one of the few remaining growth industries.

  6. He’s being investigated for people trafficking and rape. He’s abused a lot of women to make his money and there is a reason he does it in Romania

  7. Well, it seems like his Mum was poor after the divorce, but his Dad was born into money and had a fair bit of his own. So he grew up on a council estate but had a background of wealth on his Dad’s side. That generally means he’d have had actually decent access to money as long as he pleased his Dad and disparaged his Mum. Might not have been that way for him, of course, but it’s often the way it is, and it would pretty much explain his whole schtick.

    Not really “coming from nothing.”

    Getting the titles he had as a fighter would have required hard work, but then the rest has been total grift and con-merchant behaviour. Pyramid schemes and tapping into the angry incel zeitgeist.

  8. Don’t worry the guy who was in-charge of Microsoft Word at Microsoft turned up at my University in a Ferrari to give a talk….The guy who came up with the idea for the recycle bin has a helicopter parked in his grounds.

    Here I am, In IT all these years later…. You know, Been all like cool and shit*


  9. Andrew Tate did not work hard for his fortune, he tried something stupid and it worked because there are plenty of stupid people on the internet giving him attention. For every 1 Andrew Tate type person trying stupid shit, there are a thousand more trying and failing to emulate the same shit. It’s the same shit all over again. Controversial/OTT lifestyle hype, attract audience buying into it for stupidity or entertainment. Profit.

  10. Not really. He made his money from being completely immoral, breaking all sorts of laws and having to flee to a country where he could hide. It’s not “winning” in my book.

  11. I mean one cannot have the luxury items he has without somehow winning. Without talking about the things he has said, if true he came from poor beginnings in Luton and now it’s a multimillionaire I would say he’s won at life.

  12. More than likely just another guru faking it till he made it. Pretty much everyone on social media who is “rich” is a fake guru.

  13. He admits he’s a liar and a cheat.

    He claims to run casinos in Romania in collaboration with the Romanian mafia.

    Shady ass dude probably doing a lot of shady stuff.

    So no. He is not representative of that. He is representative of an exploitative, sociopathic douche.

  14. He’s a piece of shit who’s peddling rampant misogyny and abuse tactics. I wouldn’t listen to a word that comes out of his mouth

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