What are ways you correct your gf/wife, why?

  1. Nice try. She’s always right. (Except for those times that don’t exist.)

    But truly. If it is funny, I will tease; if inconsequential, I don’t bother; if I know or worry something will be inconvenient later (especially if it affects my time or tasks), I bring it up.

    She’s her own person and an adult though; I wouldn’t say correcting her really comes up much, and ‘correcting’ isn’t necessarily the course I take (or need to) when it comes to our lives and communicating.

  2. I start by asking her if we can talk for a second. Step somewhere private. Then I open with the pattern below.

    I feel (blank) when you do (blank).

    This starts the focus on me so she isn’t defensive. It also makes it clear why I am asking. Random examples below.

    I feel shameful when you make jokes about my occupation infront of other people.

    I feel frustrated when you micromanage me when I cook.

    I feel hurt when you talk about your ex all the time.

  3. I stopped doing this, in 10 years she grew up to be a manager in a large company. I spent a huge amount of energy and was left with nothing. Got three infidelities and divorced.

  4. First, tell her she is wrong. If she gets aggressive, tell her to calm down. Then explain her why she is wrong.

  5. I tell her that all it takes is me leaving and everyone becomes homeless. And she knows that I’m serious.

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