So my girlfriend and I have this thing where we basically surprise each other with different sex toys once a month. And we do this thing where we try out the toys by ourselves first then we invite each other so we can do it together, last month it was my girlfriend’s turn and she gave me one of these auto blowers. Which was amazing this month it was my turn to get her a toy which I was super excited about because I spent a long ass time looking for one that we have never used haha. I decided to get one of [these]( because we don’t have a lot of anal toys. And this one just seemed to be fun lol. So last night I decided to give it to her and she giggly jumped away into the bedroom and closed the door and I think I might have chosen a good one because I did not hear from her for like almost two hours. At one point I had to go to knock on the door to ask if she was alive and I just heard her laughing and saying yes haha. So I thought now I wanna ask if you guys have any suggestions for toys! It can be anything. Even super weird once would be amazing. There is no limit haha

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