Long story short.. Me (17M) just finished highschool (Australian) don’t have university for another half year and don’t turn 18 for 5ish months.
Focused on studying and avoided the drama of dating although I had a couple chances I never rly took it.

Now that school is over tho I have no issue with trying to date someone but I have No idea where I’m supposed to meet anybody. Can’t go to clubs and don’t rly get invited to any parties so wtf am I supposed to do bro? I have the confidence and have been working on the body shape quite a bit so it’s just a matter of meeting ppl now..

  1. you dont need to worry abt gurls riggt now focus on your studies seriously

    Dating scene today is a mess and your likely to end uo nessing your life up

    Too many girls our to having kids, then disposing baby daddys, filing for child support, women dont need men as they self provisioning and unlike the past wheb men depended on women and women depended on men, today the women depend ob them selves or the government for welfare, so

    You are only valued for what they cant provide for themselves… Children once they got that you loose your value to her

  2. If you’re not going to travel, the best use of your time would be find work before uni. You’ll meet new people, new opportunities, make a bit of money, which you can use to travel. I spent most of the gap time between highschool and uni reading and working out. Your social circle will expand when you go to uni with plenty of opportunities to meet girls there.

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