You can read the full stories in my profile, but essentially a girl invited me over for a hookup twice and I fucked it up twice by not really making a move.

To the actual post:
There were 2 separate times the past 5 days where’s she’s invited me over. That might sound good, but she cancelled at the last minute both times.

1st Invite: She asks if I’m free and I was so she said to come over to her dorm. When I get to her dorm, she’s not there. So I sit there for a good 10 minutes waiting but she never showed up so I left. An hour later, she said that she had to deal with a situation and didn’t say anything after that. (Not sure if this is important but 3 hours before she posted on her Snapchat story that she was drinking with a group of guys and girls). The night before, I saw her bring a guy into her dorm pretty late at night.

2nd Invite: She asks if I’m free. Since I was busy, it took me 3 hours to reply. When I answer she still wants me to come over. But by then I was doing stuff with friends and it took another hour for me to actually come over. When I’m about to get there, she informs me that her friend is coming over for a quick vape and to wait until she’s ready. A minute later, I see a person (a guy, different from the first one) go into her dorm. I wait a fucking hour for her to invite me in but she didn’t. She finally texts that her friend is gonna be over for a while and for me to just go to bed.

Is she trying to mess with me? Am I just on a list of guys and someone else beat me to it? Is she just trying to make me jealous?


—neither of us are bitter at each other I don’t think. She still waves at me when I see her around campus—

(No, I’m not a stalker, me and my friends’ hangout spot happens to be near her dorm)

  1. Sometimes but not really. It’s clear that you aren’t that great at using your critical thinking skills because why are you still trying to go over there. It kind of doesn’t make sense. Her actions don’t really make sense either though. I think you should maybe move on?

  2. First of all, women are people, and some people are dicks.

    Secondly, no. It’s not a thing women in general do. People who are dicks might, but that’s not contingent on gender, as it were…..

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