So hello all as the title says I want to have sex with a guy I know little about for some reason. I have a guy in 2 of my classes who is just really pretty but I know I’m prolly way to gross for him but idc. He’s got some kinda magic to him that makes me wanna do things I know I shouldn’t. My sister used to always tell me to save my first time for someone special but I feel like I both should and that I shouldn’t care about it. I feel like maybe if I looked different then I would have a chance but even so I have this urge to just go buck wild on him. Am I crazy? Or am I just another horny school kid?

  1. If it’s your first time, you should probably not give into impulses. Not even saying it because of the whole ‘someone special’ thing, but the first time it’s better to be with someone you trust and can be honest with just in case things go south.

    Safety first!

  2. 1- What does he want? The whole thing is moot if he doesn’t feel something too. But he might! Only way to know is ask more.

    2- As for “First Times™”, it’s not like it has to be perfect, because that is commemorated in stone which is the only thing allowed to be placed on your tombstone for humanity to remember you by. But you know what has a pretty good chance of making a first time special? If you feel hungry for it and really want it. As opposed to feeling “blah” about it.

    Only other thought is, your mind and body will be attracted to a lot of guys, he might feel special, but there are at least 100 guys on the planet you’re even more chemistry compatible with.

    But talk to him sometime and see if you like him! And if he likes you.

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