One woman is a nice and kind woman, you feel relaxing and bright when you are with her and she is ready for healthy relationship, marriage, kids, etc. One women is someone you are kinda obsessed with, she is mysterious and tempting, you feel it easy to reveal your dark side to her. How can you decide?

Or in general, when you find it so hard to decide between two options, what would you do? How did it turn out for you if it happened?

  1. it hasn’t happened but personally it couldn’t be that difficult; go for the first.

    partly because that’s what I want too so we sound more compatible.

    Secondly, the other one sounds like a much bigger risk and I don’t want to be involved in games

  2. Flip a coin! Most people make their decision before the coin drops, If that doesn’t work. Then just flip again, and let the coin fall were it may.

  3. I answered a similar question yesterday. I chose option #2 and it didn’t end well. Broke a sweet girl’s heart (we were just dating – I had no deep feelings)chose the sexy option and got dumped shortly after. Figure out which one will make you happiest, but in all honesty, if you’re questioning it, the answer might be neither (if we’re talking about locking down).

  4. Neither. get rid of them both. If you truly wanted either of them you wouldn’t be in this situation to begin with.

  5. Not even sure how this is a choice, the first woman is far superior to the second. I don’t think it’s wise for guy’s to be obsessive over women, and I’d question showing them your dark side. But it depends on what you’re talking about.

  6. You did what most women do, date several people and compare while keeping those options available. Do yourself a favour, get to know yourself better, what you want, what is actually good for you long term and what builds you up, and only date one person at a time to get to know them better. You treatboth of those options like items, and probably you’re the same token to them

  7. To one you’re a keeper. To the other you’re side dick. Who you pick depends on where you are in life.

  8. Neither. If you can’t decide between the two, neither one of them are the one.

    It’s like football teams who say they have two starters instead of a starter and a backup. It’s because neither one of them is good enough for the full time position.

  9. It depends on where you are in your life.

    I’m 27 and intend to never have kids so I’m going with the 2nd one

    [Just don’t make a mistake like leading them on until one kills you for being so damn passive but the murder is so shocking for the time that the network plays a video of a boat](

  10. get a coin, assigne either option to a side. flip the coin. youll figure out which face you want it to land on more in the moment. dog shit thing to do with women though. you arent all that mate humble yourself, they both probably dont want you.

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