What’s your guy’s craziest story from high school or college?

  1. i found a corpse in a dark stairway.


    yeah. truth. it’s not a very happy story, i’m afraid.

  2. Do you mean a story like how I turned down a threesome invite by two attractive girls?

    Yeah, I was stupid in college.

  3. Back in high school I snuck out of first hour art class with some girl so we could go fuck in a cornfield that was right next to the football field. I also got expelled and was almost charged with fraud and forgery for handing out fake hall passes to some of the students.

  4. I played basketball in HS and some kid blocked my shot acting all tough and in my face about it. Hit him right in the mouth and dropped him in front of like 200 people. I’m shocked I didn’t get arrested.

  5. My first semester in college, I got a phone call from a girl in one of my classes. We were assigned a group project and the 4 of us exchanged numbers. I wasn’t expecting the call and we made some small talk and she says “I want to fuck your brains out”. 20 minutes later, she did. I had no clue she was into me.

  6. I had a good friend in high school who was a girl. We had fooled around some but we were mainly just friends. She called me one night in a panic. She has lost her tampon – inside of herself. The string wasn’t hanging out and she had tried to get it out of herself with her fingers and she couldn’t. She asked me what she should do. I said talk to your mom or go to the er. I was 16. I didn’t know the correct answer. She said all of that was too embarrassing. She asked me if I was her best friend and I said of course because we were very close. So she asks me to come over and take it out of her. This is an opportunity to see a girl at least half naked so I’m interested. So I go over and we go to her room. She takes her pants off and she standing there in her panties and a t-shirt with our school logo on it. She says I have to swear not to tell anyone and I swore. She slides her panties down to her ankles and lays down on her back in the floor. I nervously stuck a finger inside her and almost immediately felt it. Then I went in with two fingers so that I could grab it between the two fingers. I got it out relatively easily and it was a used, bloody tampon. Blood doesn’t really make me squeamish so I just set it off to the side. She said we were already there and pulled my hand back to her and I ended up fingering her after I pulled the tampon out. She made me swear about 100 more times that I wouldn’t tell.

  7. I joined the track team and ran one race in high school…. I was a loser in high school and a loser in college.

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