Here’s the deal… my girlfriend and I have been together for 2 and a half years (will be on the 28th of this month). We’re in a long distance relationship and we’ve only gotten the chance to meet and hang out in person only once due to Covid during the first 2 years of our relationship (We started dating on April 28th,2020). And I plan on visiting her for her birthday next month (23rd of November). Throughout our relationship, we haven’t met each other’s parents yet because her parents won’t allow her to have a boyfriend because they want her to finish college first and not be distracted with a boyfriend. Thing is that her and I dating and falling for each other just happened out of nowhere (love at first site if you wanna call it). We’ve originally planned to wait until after she finishes college to tell her parents about her and I being together but for some reason it really bothers me because my parents know all about her and I being together and really want to meet her (she doesn’t want to meet them until I meet her parents so we meet each other’s parents together in a way) plus I really want to meet her parents in case anything bad happens while her and I are hanging out (I hope to God that never happens but sometimes things happen). I’d like to ask for an opinion on whether we should continue keeping our relationship a secret from her parents until she finishes college (She’ll finish in May of 2024) or should we just tell her parents the truth now and get it over with? Because either way, they’re gonna be extremely pissed about her and I dating while she’s in college but I feel like they’d even be more pissed that we kept it a secret for so long. So any opinion or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

  1. Honestly, so long as you’re both happy together, who gives a shit about anything else. I agree it’s weird and frustrating but I wouldn’t see it as a deal breaker.

  2. >her parents won’t allow her to have a boyfriend because they want her to finish college first

    You convince her to tell her parents. She tells her parents. Then they pressure her to break up with you. NBD it’s just a LDR, basically nothing more than a penpal at this point. Then you’re out of a GF.

    IF you want the best chance of this working out, you’ll need to be patient and wait it out until May 2024. But that’s up to you.

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