I was told by more than one person that it sounds like I have that. I’m in love with my gf and I love her more than anything. I feel she is the most amazing person!

But when it comes to sex, I found myself not as turned on by her as I feel I should be because of that complex. But is that bad, or do I need help? I mean sometimes when I masturbate, I picture women who are promiscous and not her. And sometimes I have to picture more promiscous women to reach orgasm instead of her. But is this bad?

I talkd to my friends and others about this, and they say, why don’t you just go for a promiscuous woman, if that’s what I want. But I want a monogamous relationship and in the past, promiscous women were not able to stay faithful in a relationship though. So that’s not the answer.

But if that’s not the answer, what is then, if I am more turned on by promiscuous women? Thank you for any advice on this! I really appreciate it!

  1. It sounds like you really want to be with someone who is confident in their sexuality, and your gf currently is not. But if she were, how would you feel? Because being more open and communicating might open up some doors you didn’t know where there and could change your feelings when it comes to this complex.

  2. So not true, my friend is really promiscuous when shes in the mood, and also would never cheat on anyone because why would she do that before breaking up if she felt the urge to cheat. A lot of women are like this, too.

    I think you may have a bias about women (not meaning to bash you, it’s a pretty normal bias to have). But on the other hand, it sounds like your romantic attraction is stronger than sexual attraction, which is also completely normal and doesn’t mean you love your girlfriend any less!

  3. Well, it’s impacting your sex life so I think the answer is: yes, you should seek some therapy. It’s likely this will be a recurring pattern, so running from it won’t help. Misogyny is a hell of drug and baked into everything.

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