I am someone who has had severe social anxiety for as long as I remember. People tell me I pull it off well and that no one notices. I have been in many “popular” friends group and people tell me I’m hilarious and a great person to be around, but my social anxiety is nonstop. Ranging from my best friend to my parents I struggle to say what I feel or anything at all sometimes -I often shut down and go completely mute- because I’m so anxious. I’ve tried lexapro and felt virtually no difference. Im so in my head that I don’t even process what’s going on in the moment so much so that my memory is shot too. I also smoke a lot of weed and sometimes I think it helps sometimes I don’t. Anyways, I’ve distanced myself from so many people and I also am not myself at all. I’ll have good days and I feel amazing, but recently there’s so many bad and I’m feeling defeated. I like my coworker a lot and I know he’s also into me. We’ve hooked up twice but now I’m being so lame because of nerves trying to keep up some persona so he doesn’t think I’m awkward. My self confidence is low and I’m looking for practical ways to foster social skills and get out of my head again and also bag my beautiful sexy coworker

1 comment
  1. I think a lot of people including you go through the same thing which is over stimulation. I think you look at things without processing what you’re looking at and now you’re bringing in so so much stimulus into your own mind that it doesn’t know what to focus on and now it’s thinking 1 million things at the same time. you need to focus on one thing and then just process it and then react to it accordingly. So if you’re talking to someone, instead of thinking about what to say next actually focus and try to understand what this person just said, then as you’re responding focus on your own words, all of a sudden you’ll start nitpicking what you say and start playing around with words and soon enough the entire conversation.

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