What is the worst thing about being skinny?

  1. I never really had problems except when I was really skinny it felt weird to see my shadow and see how skinny my arms were.

  2. For me I just hated how I looked. I’m so glad I’m muscular with a bit of a belly now and wouldn’t trade it for the world.

  3. being tall and slender can suck because size L is the right width but too short, and XL is the right length but too wide.

    not all places have big/tall sizes, so sometimes you just gotta pass.


    ….it’s not exactly a terribly traumatic life struggle.

    being obese has to be so much worse.

  4. When you got broad shoulders and can’t fit into a Medium t-shirt cuz it won’t fit over your shoulders and the t-shirt cuffs are up in your armpit, but a Large is extremely loose fitting from the chest down like you’re wearing a sun dress

  5. The pain that comes with sleeping, or laying down. My pelvic, and rib bones pinching skin. Couldn’t lay on stomach.

  6. Used to be a lot heavier than I am now. Not skinny, never will be skinny but damn, I feel the cold now.

  7. being so bony that you can’t sit comfortably because there’s no meat, it’s just ass bones.

    two skinny people having sex? hips are gonna clang like church bells on a sunday

    also ppl telling you “you need to eat”

  8. I was insanely skinny nearly my whole life was 6’2 (188cm) and 55kg ( like.. 130 pounds I think?). “Large” clothes arnt for tall people they’re for fat people. So I either have the most ridiculous baggy shirt or I have my belly nearly showing if the shirt “fits”. Buying kids belts. Any contact sport is really tough. Also it’s normal for random people to comment how skinny you are. “Omg eat a steak” “I can grip your wrist!”. Doesn’t really bother me but it’s not a positive exchange either. I think honestly the biggest insecurity is once I’m past my teens being slim isn’t really seen as cute by girls anymore and you really feel like a boy next to a woman. At a club even though I’m decent looking meeting a 25+ year old “woman” I can tell alot of them talk to me like im a child and it takes a while to break through the first impressions. After taking up sport and better dieting I’ve put on a ton of weight but I’m definitely very shaped by my life experiences.

  9. ever be doing something and your body suddenly goes “we’re outta fuel” and bam, light out.

    had this in my workshop several times. pretty scary stuff

    fortunatelly hasnt happened to me while forging yet. though i had a close call a couple weeks ago

  10. I’m 22 and I weigh 138lbs since I have a fast metabolism, I get cold a lot since I’m skinny. No matter how much food I eat I’m always the same.

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