Regrettably, I hooked up with a girl that might be at risk for STIs (complete stranger, does a lot of dating app hookups). During our session (not anal), the condom broke. We both immediately realized this and stopped and I came all over the floor. She keeps telling me she doesn’t have anything and that I wasn’t inside her when the condom broke (which Im not sure how that would happen).

7 days later I have a sore throat, light fever, erectile dysfunction, negative covid test, no sores on my genitals so far, urethral pain (seemingly from a prostate infection). Within 40 hours of the interaction, I was able to get on PEP (which my physician advised not to take when I consulted immediately after the incident). I’ll get tested 2 weeks from now, but I also have an appointment with my physician for Monday. Im scared and anxious and wishing I just practiced abstinence because I want to be a family man in the future.

Im just looking for insight onto what could be happening to me. Are these all normal side effects of PEP? Im highly agitated by the fact that I have ED right now.

  1. Could it be that the stress and worry of this is making it hard for you to have an erection?

  2. With all the terrible scenarios going thru your head it kept nda becomes normal for your penis to not wanna come out and play dude. Stress, worry and anxiety pretty much kill any hope of an erection.
    So not much to worry about there.
    As to the rest, i cannot say, but i would say that chances of u catching something serious from such a quick and short exposure seem highly unlikely.

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