I recently got out of a 2 year relationship and trying to get out there again after a few months. Every time I find someone and we hit it off. It feels like they ghost me suddenly with zero explanation. We’ll be talking for hours one day then suddenly they deadd me and block me. I feel like there’s something wrong with me or just that I’ll never find someone again.

What do I do?

  1. >We’ll be talking for hours one day then suddenly they deadd me and block me… zero explanation.

    More guys have a problem with this than women. I’ll clarify this for you. You do not have an *emotional connection* with someone you’re texting. You build that *emotional connection* when you meet and have a date. That’s why when you think you’re ‘vibing’ with a girl over text, the reality is, she’s got as much connection to you as she’s got watching a show on Netflix. Once that show becomes boring/unentertaining, she’ll switch shows. Netflix doesn’t send out survey requests for shows you stop watching midway, because they don’t expect an ‘explanation’ for your choice to switch.

  2. oh my friend there is in all likelyhood nothing wrong with you. And one day when you find a girl who is REALLY into you, you’ll see what I mean

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