By factors: what influences when you realize you like someone and choose to be intentional about a relationship? Physical Attraction? Chemistry (mental/emotional)? Value and lifestyle compatibility (etc)?

Feel free to share anecdotes

Edit: by know if you like someone, basically that point where you go from no expectations to intentional and start seeing them as a potential gf.

  1. First date – based on chemistry. I’m already physically attracted or I wouldn’t have asked her out. This is just like, not any deeper feelings – that takes time.

  2. In hindsight I’d say it was apparent within the first hour when there is or isn’t chemistry. Every time that I went with the flow beyond that things were just kind of flat on subsequent dates. Even when there is physical attraction, shared interests and a kind disposition of a girl sometimes that unnameable it factor just isn’t there.

  3. Id say initially there has to be a spark, but then at least for me things take awhile before I am sure. I think it is important to be with your date in different scenarios to see how well you work together.

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