What was your most memorable school project?

  1. I had to build a model of the Everglades for 4th grade. I don’t remember why just remember the fun of building it for class and how many weird construction techniques I learned.

  2. I did a science fair project where I investigated the impact of fin modifications to solid-fuel model rockets. How high they went, how stable their arc was, etc.

  3. Senior ditch day. It was a memoriable beach party involving several high schools across the state involving hiding
    several kegs of beer in the sand and foiling the cops attempts to break it up. They still talk about it.

  4. It wasn’t really a school project it was more of a school dance. It was for valentines day, i didn’t want to do the same thing i did in jr high, it was just a little lame now that i was in high school. I decided it right after the winter formal i could do a sweethearts ball, deck out the ballroom like a palace and crown a king and queen of hearts. It was more fun than prom. And it was a big hit, people actually took it pretty seriously

  5. I made a pyramid out of swirly marbles and my teacher like it so much she kept it and displayed it all year lol.

  6. My senior year math class had a few cool projects. The coolest was definitely the bottle rockets project. But most memorable was the rollercoaster project.

    Basically we were dealing with slopes and whatnot, we had to design a “rollercoaster” for a marble using math, then build it, we’d get bonus points if the marble made it all the way through the coaster.

    I was grouped up with 3 girls. They were all incredibly nice and smart, but they all agreed that I was better at math. They said that if I did the math they’d build the coaster. I remember them saying, on the first day, that they feel a little bad about giving me the “hard” part of the project. I didn’t mind though, and what made it memorable was them later saying that building the coaster was definitely the hard part and I was inclined to agree.

    That was a fun project.

  7. Ok so freshman year I took advanced Algebra. I don’t like school and this is my first time being in “advanced placement.” So I really didn’t like that class and most of the people didn’t like me, it was kind of clear I shouldn’t even be in that class. So closer to the end of the semester we had a project to make something on a graph using algebra equations bc the equations make lines and curves on the graph. So basically I made a mansion with a fountain and grass interchanging between dark and lighter greens. I put a lot into that project bc I like creating shit so it turned out great. When it was time to present people were making jokes like I probably haven’t even started or that I copied something.

  8. ABout the only “projects” i remember are:

    * Building a traffic light with dried bamboo as the stick (i remember it vanishing so i guess someone threw it out) (was about 8-9 yo)
    * Using crayons, coloring multiple color then over that in black then using something to stretch it away to show the fireworks (about 8-9yo)
    * Made a train steam engine with cardboard and rolls as wheels, someone told me i used 27 of them (about 10-11 yo)

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