My friend is a generally busy person, but we have always been really good about finding time to get together at least once or twice a month, especially since their youngest was born. They knew I was very unhappy in my job and had been looking for almost a year for another position. I finally got a great opportunity, but it unfortunately requires me to move to another state. I was sad to accept, but knew that for my own sake, financially and mentally, I really couldn’t pass it up, especially with how many rejections I’d been getting otherwise. When I broke the news I was nervous. My friend was obviously upset, but they were ultimately supportive and understanding. We promised we’d try to make the most of the time before I have to move, but I knew they would also be their usual busy self. Ever since, it seems like I’m usually having to initiate any conversation, and whenever I try to put together some plans to hang out, no matter how flexible, I get a simple “I have x,” or “I need to be at y”, with no offer of an alternative. It kind of feels like they’re pulling away prematurely, whether they mean to or not. I don’t want to just let it happen, but I also don’t want to be over-bearing. Should I broach the subject directly? Should I just keep trying and let happen whatever happens?

1 comment
  1. Friendship is about having similar hobbies, interests, and goals.

    Unless you guys were in some life-or-death situation, are literally siblings or cousins, or you’re both rich can travel around to each other easily, then it’s normal to expect a friendship to fall apart with distance.

    You guys might stay in touch once a while by phone but unless you’re actually around each other to meet up, have some common goals (ex. business-wise), or can share some common interest or hobby online then it makes sense why the friendship is breaking apart.

    That’s usually why someone gets married and has kids. Everyone gets busier and isn’t around as much in adulthood. They might have one or two friends outside of that who they meet up with once in a blue moon who live nearby or like max maybe a 2 hour drive away.

    Then, the rest of the time is spent with your partner and kids, the parents of your kids’ friends for the sake of your kid, and then your side and you partners’ side of the family.

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