Hi! I am a uni student and I just moved to an apartment and I really want to throw a housewarming party. I’ve never thrown a party before and I really want to do it, but I’m scared no one will show upp. I’m the shy and quiet girl in class who no one likes. I also have social anxiety, but I try to hide it. I want to work on bettering my social skills and expose myself to these kind of situations, but also meet new people. However, I’m so scared to invite my class since I’m convinced they dislike me. Does anyone have any advice for me? Also, pardon my English

1 comment
  1. Don’t expect to throw a big party and you’ll be fine. And don’t call it a party. Just call it a hang-out. Lower the expectation of how you view it.

    Throw a net by inviting maybe 10-50 people (50 might be way OD), and if even 10% show up that’s like 1-5 people. Then you’ve got a little hang-out. It’s not like having more people means that they’re close to you.

    The only thing is, if friends of friends are invited, it could turn hectic. Happened in past “house parties”. Friend of a friend of a friend is invited then cops show up because of the complaints. So I’d maybe try making that clear indirectly. Or just not over-inviting.

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