My husband and I are in a pretty happy relationship ide say. I love him a lot and I think the world of him. I could go on forever why I care about him, but I got to thinking. I don’t think I complement him as much as I should. I tell him he’s “handsome” and that he “looks good today”. But I’m looking for something else and I know that guys don’t generally get as much attention on this topic as the women that I know do. So, what has your partner said to you that made you feel complemented or good about yourself?

  1. his skills, stuff he does that you appreciate, like his share of the housework, or fixing stuff around the house, or things like that.

    i like it all…my looks, things i’m good at, etc. she tells me often, and i do the same for her! i compliment her looks, her new shoes, her new purse, her cooking, her sense of humor, all sorts of stuff.

  2. I love it when my girlfriend just makes random off-the-cuff remarks about how sexy and strong and masculine I am to her. But the best compliments are when she tells me how her life is better because I’m in it and how she loves and admires very specific aspects about me.

  3. Anything it doesnt have to be a lot. I would probably appreciate a compliment for something I did a good job on and I’m proud of over a compliment on my appearance personally.

  4. When you go to sleep at night, the last thing before you sleep, whisper in his ear “I appreciate you and all you do for me. You make me feel safe and loved.”

  5. words are cheap, i want to have the look of obsession and pure infatuation or genuine lust in their eyes everytime they look at me.
    especially when they compliment me with those eyes..

    that or telling me im genuinely pleasant and irreplaceable as their man :}

  6. Someone else said it but I get the biggest high when someone compliments something I’ve done rather than something I am. Like saying, you made dinner delicious or wow thanks for doing the laundry I was dreading that.

  7. It depends on how appropriate it is. If you compliment me for something I hate about myself, or that’s completely wrong or inapplicable, I’m not going to respond well.

  8. 1. Be sincere otherwise a compliment is worthless.

    2. Have it be about a decision or action he’s made or make.

    3. Don’t just say “You look handsome.” Be descriptive. What actually looks handsome on him. Tell him. Tell him why it looks good on him.

  9. Thanks but no thanks.

    I’m not heavily impacted by the opinion of others. Positive or negative.

  10. This is such a weird question. When guys compliment you, it’s because they want to compliment you. Guys have found so many things to compliment women on that women had to stop men from using certain “compliments”. So maybe just throw a compliment at the guy and see what sticks.

  11. Honestly I’ll take fucking anything I can get. Last week a friend said she liked my jumper and honestly I’m still riding that high.

  12. I don’t. They are forced or they are for doing what I was suppose to be doing anyway. I’m supposed to do a good job at my job.

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