Been seeing this older guy 30M, I am 21F and we’ve hooked up a few times. I recently found out he takes molly 3-4 times a week. He was super rude the past few times I linked up with him, name calling etc. and his hygiene was bad. We had a bad fight the last time I saw him and I didn’t see him for about a month, I was turned off. I had a feeling his anger was coming from doing a lot of molly. I went over last night and he was super sweet, kissing my feet and literally was spoon feeding me. He’s never done that before. He kept calling me beautiful because I got a new hair style. His friend called him and said “do you wanna roll tonight (do molly)” and he said “there’s absolutely no way”. Which to me sounds like he was doing it a lot the last few nights. Anyways, we were building up to sex the whole night. We get into bed and we start kissing and he gave me head for the first time and it felt really good. I wanted to return the favor, but he kept saying no. He kept asking if I was “okay” and taking long awkward pauses and saying he wanted me to feel comfortable. It kind of made me insecure because I thought I was really into it and it was making feel like I wasn’t sexy or something. But he was calling me beautiful all night , so I was really confused. I was literally telling him to put it in but he was stalling and continued giving me head. I was thinking it was foreplay, it was like he was holding off from me. There was a point where he just held my legs to my chest and was dirty talking me LMAOOO FOR LIKE 2 minutes straight. It turned me on, but I was soooo confused like?????? I was practically begging at this point. He finally said yes to putting it in (not head) and turned around and took his pants off kind of slow. When he finally put it in it was hard, but I’ve seen him harder. He had to use his hands to put it in. I know.. TMI sorry lol. It was really really good sex, lasted maybe 15-20 minutes. There was no issue with him staying hard.

I’m really hung up on why he didn’t let me give him head??? He always jokes about me not giving him head enough so it was weird how he wouldn’t let me, when I was practically begging. Was he turned off and couldn’t get hard, was it the molly that couldn’t get him hard, or what? Just really confused rn lol

  1. The man was obviously still/already tripping balls. I wouldn’t take offense OR try to make sense if what happened lol.

  2. Maybe he was having issues staying hard before being inside you? Could be a confidence thing since he didn’t take any Molly? Might have thought giving him head would have grossed you out?

    Not really a lot to go on considering you guys ended up having sex anyway 🙂

  3. Using 3-4 times a week and hiding it does sound like addiction

    Addiction side effects include poor hygiene and unpredictable/inconsistent behaviors, anxiety, irritability, mood swings …etc

    These effects can take place regardless when the last use was.

  4. Yeah he was rolling when you came.over, it sounds like. Extra sweet, talkative, a need to keep his mouth occupied, and wanting to give more than receive are all side effects I’ve had on MDMA–I use it recreationally once or twice a year. It can do weird stuff to your junk, I am usually super hard and turned on but whatever I do I can’t cum when I take it. Doesn’t take anything away from the experience because honestly any physical touch while taking feels like an extended orgasm.

    If you’re curious next time, look for dilated pupils and jaw clenching/teeth grinding those are telltale signs.

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