1 (25 female) and my ex (22 male) broke up 3 months ago. Long story short, we haven’t been able to let go since the break up so we’ve stayed in contact and stuff since. My dog was feeling super sick and he was over at my house we were taking a nap when my dog was throwing up all over, i woke up to her gagging sounds. Now back story, my dog is my world, love her to pieces, shes a small shih tzu/maltese and my ex always loved her too. He says he always wanted a dog like her and that he kind are his favorite ever since he met her. Well that night, the throwing up got excessive and so i decided to take her to the vet. Before I took her to the vet, I let him know of everything because i was pretty scared and i was sure he would be pretty caring and sympathetic due to how much he loves her. Well, the vet suggested i leave her overnight as she really was not doing well at all, so I did. Around 4:30am I got the call and immediately called my ex, MULTIPLE TIMES. Obviously he was sleeping so I called enough to wake him up. He finally answered and I was begging for him to come be by my side as he knows how much she means to me and i was devastated and crying uncontrollable. He said
“he would call me back and figure out how to come.” Figure out be he lives with his parents and they already give him shit about being out late (yes he knows he should move out but he’s not financial prepared for it at all) an hour goes by and he doesn’t call back, so i call him back around 6:30am. It rings a couple times then m, called again same thing, so i called his work phone, same thing, but then i call again his phone & it goes straight to vm no rings at all and same with his work phone. Either he turned his phone(s) off or put them on airplane mode so the calls wont go through at all but he was ignoring me so I cut him off. Is there a better way of handling this situation other than cutting him off? should i consider letting him back in?

UPDATE: He ended up calling me back at 9am, telling me he’s coming over to be here. I still don’t know how to feel cus I was calling him in the time I needed him the most, and even tho yes I still need someone cus honestly I’m going insane rn, he didn’t come when it mattered and decided to ignore me in that moment. A moment where I was having a very bad mental break down. When I say bad I mean it, it was BAD. So for someone to just ignore you when you’re in that bad of a mental state…doesn’t sit right with me.

  1. I’d say at least listen to his side of the story before making any decisions.

    There’s just too many possibilities in this. Like for 1, he might not have a transport at that time or maybe he ran into something. Heck, he could get into an accident on his way. There’s so much that could have happened that you don’t know so at least hear him out and then decide.

  2. You should leave it as it is now. He isn’t into it as much as you are. No doubt The same thing will happen again. Look to the future.

  3. I think you called him Innsbruck middle of the night. He woke up, said he’d call you back, and he fell asleep again. He’ll probably call you on the morning.

    >Is there a better way if handling this situation other than cutting him off? should i consider letting him back in?

    If you’ve already blocked then it’s over.

  4. Or maybe his phone died? Did he ever tell you what happened that night? Did he get into an argument with his parents and they took his phone away?

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