I hate myself so much I wish i wasn’t so ugly I just want a woman to want me back I’m tired of feeling lonely all the time and I’m 20 but I look way too young for my age and I it i feel like no woman will want to talk to me because of it and I never get matches or likes on dating apps and I have a hard time coming up with stuff to talk about. i even cold approach in public and at my job and still get rejected.

girls only see me as a friend, even when i try to escalate things they still dont see me in that way.

recently i been treated ugly by women. this girl i liked said,”why would i date u, its better looking men in here”.

i had a feeling i was getting rejected because im ugly. one of my friends always make jokes that im ugly, and say thats why i dont get girls. its true though thats why. he always tell me dont waste time approaching cute women because im gonna rejected. i mean hey he aint wrong. every time i tried to meet or talk to a girl, its always they have a boyfriend or they not interested

  1. Girls are twisted always just sleep about n that’s easy to do then getting a girlfriend trust me

  2. Granted, I’m quite a bit older but WHY is everyone so obsessed with getting a girlfriend or boyfriend? Why can’t you just be happy and confident in who you are? I do realize that Covid and lockdowns have altered an entire generation as far as dating goes but still…

    Who cares?

    Here’s a secret that you’ll never hear on those “Alpha Man” shows. Women don’t want a bossy asshole to control them. We want a partner as an equal.

    It doesn’t matter if you’re young and broke. Chances are, the women you’re interested in are too.

    I think every man and woman should live their lives as an adult, single person for at least 5 years before they “settle down”.

  3. Yeah look most women don’t actually appreciate being approached out of nowhere.

    If you’re lacking confidence in your looks though maybe try find some confidence building activities to do – hit the gym a bit, try out some make-up tutorials etc.

    Also focus on hobbies and passions – I know a lot of people (myself included) find someone being really passionate about something as an attractive quality. My partner sometimes talks about things I have zero interest in, but he’s clearly really passionate about and I love listening to him. Hobbies that involve groups (sports, TTRPGs, etc.) can also involve meeting new people. Focus on friendships and then if you’re clicking with someone naturally you can see about asking them out, nothing too serious, just see if they’d like to try a date. Be prepared for rejection and to not let it affect the friendship if it happens, as you don’t want to be fuckzoning people.

    Those are just some random things to try out if you haven’t already, but I wish you luck.

  4. Most men don’t even hit their stride until their 30s and 40s and there’s an unending list of mediocre to below average looking men who are in relationships because they bring so much else to the table

    Work on finding a career, interesting hobbies, travel, etc.

    When you’ve got accomplishments behind you and the confidence that brings your ‘value’ will begin to increase and you’ll start finding more success with women

  5. Only God knows, and God is dead.

    Now Taoism with it’s Wu-wei is pretty close. Women can tell that your association with them is tainted by the underlying goal of creating an intimate relationship with them.

    Like applying for a job, you don’t work at places that don’t hire you. So who gives a shit about trying to make the bosses you don’t work for happy. Your looking for a job, not all jobs.

    The best answer is to treat dating like a pachinko machine. You have no idea where you will land, but you gotta have the balls to keep trying anyways. The good news is that inspite of the emotional pain of rejection, it’s not terribly expensive to gamble as many times as you like.

    Which then makes the whole romantic notion of a soulmate a meaningless lie. Only people who don’t have to work for relationships believe in such nonsense. They are also the kinds of people who do not put work into a relationship anyways.

    Acceptance also gives you experience. With experience you will have a better understanding of how to take advantage of opportunities you didn’t comprehend before.

    Which means that not only do the people who reject you not matter. Neither do the people who accept you matter a whole lot. They are practice and likely to reject you anyways. Possibly for any reason the human imagination can conceive. Plus hopefully you’ll eventually be able to do better than accepting anyone so it’s likely for the best.

    Just like getting started with employment. At first any job is better than no job. Then later on you can apply for better jobs simply because you have employment experience and a better grasp of the application and interview process as well.

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