So I was at barnes and nobles and someone else actually initiated conversation and asking me out at the end (never happens to me).

but the only thing is that i was wearing my red wing boots that take me from 5’11 to like 6’2 it feels like.

I am not trying to mislead anyone. just feel like boots would look good with my outfit that day. so what do i do? i even bring it up before seeing her again? im not as tall as she probably thought i was. may have been one of the reasons she approached me

do i have to wear the boots everytime we see each other from now on!

  1. Did they say “wow you’re so tall, let’s go out?” If not, I doubt they’d care about a few inches. But that’s just me lol

  2. I don’t see any point in raising the subject. If you’re worried about misleading her, maybe deliberately wear different shoes on the date.

  3. Yes for sure always wear the boots. She might find it weird when you refuse to take them off in flagrante – but this is just who you are now.

  4. Dog how are you insecure about being 5’11”? That’s slightly above average for American men.

  5. I just watched the episode of American Dad when Roger gets the perfect pair of pants and they give him muscular legs which attracts Ricky Martin. This post made me think of that since I have not watched Seinfeld

  6. I’m pretty sure it’s because you were happy and confident not the height.

    She can’t be that dumb to think that boots don’t add height.

  7. You’re too worried about a damned height number. You are tall! And above average at that too! And if it makes you feel better then wear the boots just dont bring up your height on a first date.

  8. Maybe it’ll go the other way. My gym crush seems only a few inches taller than I am at the gym. I passed by him outside the gym and he was wearing boots that made him seem a lot taller, which, oddly, made him seem a little less attractive to me.

  9. If she only asked you out for your height then she’s probably not someone you want to be with in the long run. Might as well ditch the boots next time and if she wants to continue to see 5’11 you then you know she likes you for you, not for your height.

    P.S. My husband is 5’11 and I think he’s perfect.

  10. No one is going to care that you’re a few inches shorter unless they’re comically shallow. Women know how shoes work

  11. Maybe it’s because I’m a taller female, but I don’t understand the fascination with guys being over 6 foot?

    As long as a guy isn’t insecure about his height, it honestly shouldn’t matter if he’s 5’6 or 6’6

  12. Genuine people don’t care whether you‘re 5‘11, 5‘7 or 6‘1. And you don’t really want a woman who is so superficial as to not like you if you are 2“ shorter.

  13. OK, assuming this is a real question and not a joke, try thinking of it this way:

    Suppose that she was wearing her favorite bra. It just so happens that her favorite, most comfortable bra, that she thinks goes best with that particular shirt, is a push-up bra, which happens to make her cleavage look a little more dramatic than it does on an average day.

    If you learned this, would you feel like she had *lied* to you? If next time you see her she’s wearing a different shirt and her boobs are still really nice but not quite as cleavagey, would you feel bait and switched? Would you expect her to wear the same exact bra every single time she sees you, forever, just to be sure you got a consistent visual experience?

    No, that’d be wild nonsense, right?

  14. No, don’t sacrifice or hide any part of yourself. To attract the right kind of love you must play full out, meaning don’t hold back, and just be your full authentic self. Your normal height without shoes is part of your natural human body. Own it with confidence, and the right person won’t care—they’ll like you for you.

    If your natural height turns her off, then she wasn’t the right person to begin with and her intentions were superficial.

  15. To all the guys worrying about being shorter than 5’11’”. As a female, I prefer guys that are shorter than 5’11”. I’m 5’2” myself, so when cuddling with a guy much taller it can be awkward. It’s also frustrating to kiss a guy much taller for more than 5 seconds because it kills my neck. The most comfortable match I felt with a guy I dated was when he was just 4” taller than me 5’6”. So don’t listen to the lies that women must have men over 6’. In reality, there are a lot of short women that find that height a lot less comfortable. But I would also garner that most women don’t care about height that much to begin with. Height never stopped me from dating someone.

  16. I believe i’ll say this on behalf of everyone: you’re overthinking. I’m 5’6.5 (female) , and I wouldn’t be able to tell a difference between 5’11 and 6’2. Don’t wear the heels to the next date, and if by some miracle she’ll notice it (she won’t though) and address it, don’t make a big deal out of it, just play it down as if you don’t even remember which boots you had on. If you make a big deal out of it, the other person can’t help but perceive it as a big deal. You don’t want it to become a thing. AND IT’S NOT A THING. 5’11 and 6’2 is equally tall. And being tall is not even that important. Out of all the priorities and significant features , i’d say it’s towards the bottom – it’s nice as a bonus, if you’re into that, but it’s the least important bonus

  17. I have a friend who loves wearing boots, to the point it’s the only shoes we would see him in are Timberlands. It’s very weird seeing him take off his shoes and suddenly get a lot shorter. He’s mentioned about keeping his boots on during sex for better traction but I’m not sure if he’s joking or actually being serious.

  18. I met my “ 6’1 ” boyfriend and he was wearing red wings too.. absolutely hoodwinked. 5’11 is the new 6’1.

  19. Do not wear them on your date. Then see how they react to your change in appearance.

    If you didn’t wear them to prop up your height u have nothing to be ashamed of. Do not let whatever their reaction might be, keep you from wearing what you like in the future.

  20. She approached you, why are you over thinking this. Obviously you give a good impression if she started a conversation and agree to ho out, just go with it and let it flow naturally.

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