Someone said they don’t. If this is true, it will forever change my dating philosophy

  1. My strategy was to blow women off like I was to good for them. 60% of the time, it worked everytime

    Women get all like “who the fuck is this guy not paying attention to me. Now I want to bang him”

  2. It is difficult to say how often men play hard to get because it varies from person to person. Some men might do it all the time, while others might only do it occasionally.

  3. Personally I never heard of a man doing that. I think most men don’t like playing games like that.

  4. I did a lot in the past, because I believe that women like the thrill of not being sure until the last moment. Also it gives time to get a lot of hints and make sure you won’t get rejected when you try to get in a relationship.

    So the person who said they don’t lied or was wrong. I think quite a lot do it, because it’s not that courageous.

  5. The closest a guy might come to playing hard to get is, playing it calm and cool. Spacing out the calls and text to not appear too eager and desperate and scare the girl off. Which isn’t playing hard. Its just trying not to be too available/excited, which girls don’t like.

    There are guys that do it, sure. But unless they’re exceptionally attractive, which is some version of tall, fit, wealthy, athletic, high status, and/or successful, theyre idiots and wasting their time.

  6. I don’t use that strategy because it’s childish and if anything reduces the chances that the person I’m interested in remains into me. Looking at it from an alternative perspective, if a woman played hard to get with me for more than a day, I’d lose all interest.

  7. I’ve never played hard to get in my life.

    If they weren’t interested, they weren’t interested. I made my intentions clear, and sadly sometimes pursued longer than I should have, but I never played hard to get.

    I’ve employed some slick tactics, but never this one.

  8. I’m not hot enough to do that lol but I usually play it calm and unfazed so I don’t come off like I need to get laid. It works for me.

  9. I imagine it’s very unlikely.

    Women rarely pursue men for dates and so most men will never even have the opportunity to play hard to get.

    i’m not saying it *never* happens but it will be very rare.

  10. I don’t play hard to get, I just had enough going on that it didn’t matter either way… and that is the best thing to have. They line up at the door when you are indifferent.

  11. Hard to get, no. Refuse advances even when I like, appreciate them and totally dig the person, sure… but this isn’t hard to get, it’s being unavailable for one reason or another. Generally because we work together and that just kills the opportunity.

  12. I had a woman that I was totally uninterested in accuse me of playing hard to get. For her I was impossible to get. I was not playing. (and I never would play hard to get with someone I am interested in.)

    I think for some women the idea that a man not not be interested in them, is an unthinkable state, so they have to do some mental gymnastics to make it not a rejection. So rather than admit that these men are not attracted or interested they tell them selves that some men play hard to get.

  13. It probably happens but I don’t know how often. I definitely don’t do it. I don’t play hard to get. I am hard to get. Primarily because of obliviousness.

  14. Only some guys do. The ones that do always do…. The guys that dont never do.

    I usually play hard to get. I dont think most guys do.

  15. I think a lot do but not intentionally. Over the years I’ve realized that I could’ve dated or had a relationship with a lot more women. I was just too dumb/inattentive to realize they were into me.

  16. A select few men do conciously. I did it before and to great success.

    It’s when I’m very much into her but want to make sure she is into me too, since her reputation or something else about her cast doubts on her good intentions. Though I never took it to the extremes I have seen women do.

    Can generally recommend on doing it. If she likes you (and especially if she is very attractive and used to having options), she’ll be intrigued. Bonus points if you are polite and well-mannered and throw in a bit of interest every once in a while that purely relates to something she expressed or a talent of hers. You’ll be the love of her life. because the former will disguise that you are playing with her, the latter will make her feel cherished for something that belongs to her. Girls love that to death.

    Most guys accidentally play hard to get because they never had the privilege of actually being an attractive girl’s crush. They usually see the hints / signs, but most are too anxious and too starved for affection to follow up (“can’t be” / “where is the catch?” / “I must be dreaming this!”).

    So yeah. Guys who are experienced with women do to get you invested. Guys without experience do so by accident. Probability 5% for the former and 95% for the latter in my estimate.

  17. The only time I’ve been accused of this were when I was just not interested in the woman, but was also completely oblivious to the fact that she was into me.

  18. I’d say there’s a 50/50 shot that one man tried it once. Otherwise, doubt it’s happened

  19. Men generally don’t.

    Wait, why would you think men would do something (knowingly) that ridiculous?

  20. If we are not chasing you, or accepting your advances, we are probably already in a relationship or not interested.

  21. In my view this could be “not responding like i think they are interested” and this could be for a few reasons:

    * He knows he can go after any women he likes so doesn’t respond to you as hes not that interested
    * Has been destroyed by women so sees any interest as a bad thing over all
    * Has no interest shown by any women they have talked to so any advances are seen as not genuine as no one had interest in the past at all

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