Hi all was hoping for some advice or validation when it comes to this girl[F26] I [M28] just started dating. Sorry in advance if this is really long.

We met on a dating app and decided to meet up. In a weeks time we had three dates. The first drinks, second dinner, and finally the third was a movie at her place which ended in us sleeping together. From were I’m sitting things are/were going great. In a world of dating and flings I finally can say I’ve someone I really like and enjoy spending my time with.

So the weekend comes and I went camping with friends while she was in the city and celebrated her birthday. We had decided that if we were up for it to meet up at one of our places for a movie and to chill on Sunday.

This is where I get confused. I get out of the woods on Sunday and she had messaged me asking how the weekend was. I tell her great and that I was still up to hang out that night. She lets me know she was working( is a caregiver for an autistic adult) and had homework, and was exhausted from partying the night before for her birthday. I said no pressure as I too was pretty tired. I told her I was driving back to the city and to let me know what she thought.

I get home and let her know that after the long drive through traffic that maybe it was best to meet up another time. I suggested Tuesday as I knew she had dinner plans with friends on Monday, her actual birth date. She said tuesday wouldn’t work so suggested wednesday. I said great wednesday it is.

Wednesday rolls around and I text her to confirm we’re still on. She says again that she’s swamped with school work due to birthday celebrations and midterms. I think no worries I understand. I decide to suggest something different from a movie at our apartment to a walk in well know garden in the city and suggest Saturday or Sunday the coming weekend. She lets me know she is working Friday and Saturday suggests the following weekend by saying “let’s maybe try next weekend”. In an effort to not seem really disappointed at having to wait so long to see her I say no worries, best of luck on the midterms. She replied in appreciation and we havn’t texted or spoken otherwise since Wednesday.

Was jumping from tuesday to wednesday to the weekend to eventually next weekend being “too available” as they say? Additionally after we slept together I started sending more flirty texts like a “cutie” a happy birthday and kissy face text on her birthday. but nothing over the top in my opinion.

I will say she was enthusiastic about the park date suggestion. However using the language let’s MAYBE try next weekend” doesn’t leave me feeling confident. It’s just frustrating because on all accounts things were great right up until that Sunday exchange were I say I’m beat after the drive and reschedule.

Is it possible I fucked it up by rescheduling and being so available/ kissy faces?

So am I overthinking things? Obviously she rescheduled and gave me legitimate excuses but it felt weird to me that she suggested 1.5 weeks in advance rather than something sooner given we had already had 3 dates in a weeks time. Again perhaps I’m being sensitive given she has school, work, etc. Any advice on how to proceed or opinions are welcome. thanks all.

TL;DR: three dates went great with the third ending in sex. Everything okay until I reschedule a date and she seems like shes not as available to see me

  1. Yes. Yes you are. And this is from recent personal experience. Put the ball in her court and dont say shit. If enough time (that amount of time depends on you) has passed and nothing has happened? Time to move on.

  2. I’d say it’s less about being “too available” and more that you’re coming at her way too hard. I’m gathering you’ve only been dating for a week and some change, yes?

  3. I don’t think you fucked up in any way. You can’t make other people honest or straight forward. If people like you, they make time for you.

  4. Asking her to your house might give her the impression you think doing the deed is a given in your mind.

    Try asking to do something fun. One of those go-cart/axe-throwing/mini-golf type of places.

    And leave a little breathing space between messages. You’re acting like you’re already her boyfriend. More courting is needed.

    Good luck!

  5. Put the ball in her court and leave it there. Stop texting her. As much as this sucks, if she wants to see you then she will try to make it happen herself

  6. I don’t see how you did anything wrong. These “don’t be too available” are stupid

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