What’s special about the woman you love that makes you feel that way?

  1. She is very kind, very caring and loyal to her friends. She treats everyone the same way and genuinely makes the world a better place. She’s very charming in social situations and makes people smile, which makes me love her more.

    She is very strong (physically and mentally). She makes efforts to understand me and communicate with me. She is an amazing baker and a great cook. (Though I cook for her as much as she cooks for me)

    She’s also a lot of fun. She’s very funny, makes me laugh a lot. We can play video games together and have the best time.

  2. She’s the funniest girl I’ve ever met. This may sound a bit stereotype-y, but I’ve never met a girl who not only keeps up with my guy friends’ humor, but can even be the funniest person in the room while they’re around. Going from a relationship where I often pity-laughed to one where I genuinely belly laugh with her all the time is just next-level

    She also has a huge heart. She’s not perfect, but one thing I’ve never ever doubted is that she never wants to hurt me, and goes out of her way to make me happy. She holds me when I’m down, genuinely listens when I voice how I feel, compromises and puts in effort to make me happy, and doesn’t yell or get angry.

    She appreciates the little things. I love to spoil her with extravagant gifts, but the reason I love to do that is because I see her face light up at the simplest things – a stuffed animal I get for her at the store, a night in watching TV and cuddling, her favorite Pizza Hut wings…a girl who appreciates the simple things in life just as much as extravagant and fancy dates is really attractive in my eyes.

    She’s also really really strong. The most poignant example would be that before we dated, she was SA’d by someone she considered a friend, and had a lot of trauma revolving around sex and intimacy to the point where she could never initiate, rarely felt horny and had a lot of fear and anxiety around everything we did do. But now I’d straight up describe her as horny and adventurous. Seeing her battle her demons and slowly take back her sexuality has been an incredible thing to watch and support her through, and now we’re obviously reaping the benefits haha. That kind of resilience and determination is extremely special in my eyes, and it also ties back to the point about her huge heart – she in large part did it for me and our relationship. She cared so much that she wanted to face her demons and go through what ended up being a year long process to do it, even when she wanted to give up at times; that kind of love and commitment is insane

    I came out of an abusive relationship before her, so being with my funny, kind, appreciative and strong girlfriend has been, frankly, overwhelming. She makes me want to be my best self for her and spoil her and love her deeply. She’s truly special and one of a kind in my eyes

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