I’ve heard some men only view marriage as a piece of paper and nothing more. Or that men only talk about marriage to give women hope. Is marriage meaningful to you? Is it something you want/have? What are your thoughts?

  1. I want to for sure. Marriage is very important to me, which is why I don’t wanna rush anything. She’s gotta be a good match.

  2. I was married twice, both times with much enthusiasm. Now, two divorces later, I would NEVER do it again. It’s nothing but a money suck unless you plan to start a family. The wedding dress designers, jewelers, venue owners, lawyers and more are just parasites sucking you dry because you had a dream of a beautiful day.

    When you take out the religion marriage is nothing but a legal contract.

  3. It *used* to mean something, now it’s no different then a tattoo that you want removed. Yes some people have good long lasting relationships but with the divorce rates the way they are now…

    I blame narcissism and social media as a prime culprit for divorces in the modern era

  4. I am married, it’s important.It’s a partnership, an agreement to build a life *together.*It’s a contract between two people that says no matter what, we are going to fight together, win together, lose together.

    Worth noting, my wife also would not move in with me until marriage, so for us it was maybe a more “traditional” route of “taking the next step” in our relationship.

  5. It means a lot to me. It’s a serious life change that sends a serious signal to your partner.

    Yeah, people divorce. But it’s more of a hassle than just breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend. It also provides a good structure for raising kids.

    My wife wanting to marry me was the biggest compliment she could have given me and I enjoy married life.

  6. to me marriage is a want thing and not a need thing
    you can still love your partner just as much without getting married, and the people who pressure you into marriage saying that you don’t love your partner because you’re not married are just trying to feel better about themselves by looking down on others

  7. Like the concept of it but it’s a foolish contract to get into in the modern day unless you do your legal research.

  8. It’s something I’ve wanted for a long time. I’ve watched a lot of friends move away, so the commitment is actually really appealing to me, and the thought of choosing to share a life with someone seems really beautiful.

  9. Marriage is that perfect union with the person who still loves you despite the f*ups, fights, money and job loss, kids, etc.

    She’ll call you out on your bs and you will keep her in check when it gets real.

    And at the end of the day … you’re a team. You don’t quit on your teammate when she hasn’t quit on you.

  10. Marriage is meaningful to me, I’m currently married to the love of my life and wouldn’t want it any differently

    It’s not as big if a fuss as it people want it to be, but I’m so happy to be married to my husband. He means the absolute world to me and I don’t know how I went even a week only being his boyfriend

  11. I can stop relying on the oral skills of hairless Mexican dock boys, and finally get down to some real man-woman humping.

  12. I view marriage as a worthless piece of paper. I couldn’t give a shit less about such an irrelevant and outdated ceremony.

    But I met an amazing woman and we developed a great relationship. That relationship is worth the world to me. And since I never gave a shit about marriage when she wanted to do it I had no problem with it because it’s a worthless contrived contract.

    If she wants something that I don’t care about why not do it?

    Screw some written contract. A relationship is much better and more than that. But also having a marriage isn’t hurting me any, and she likes it.

  13. To me it’s a commitment and a pledge. I may not always want to be married or feel love, but I’ve made (and wanted to and still want to) the commitment.

  14. It’s an equal partnership based on love and trust. A marriage should be an adventure that you get to share each day with the person you love more than any other in the world. At least that’s how I view it, and how I think it should be.

  15. Commitment.

    Marriage requires flexibility, but also deep dedication. There will be times that you have to give 110% but it’s worth it because you’ll never have a better partner in life. You’ll have friends. You’ll colleagues. But you only have one spouse. Treat it like the most important thing in your life, because it is.

  16. It’s super important to me but I’m scared to get married. Women are most likely to become less satisfied with marriage and initiate a divorce, and the women I’ve dated as of late don’t make as much as I do and want kids. I’m petrified of things like paternity fraud and getting stuck paying alimony for the rest of my life.

    My view of marriage from me and my guy friends is that more men would want to get married if women took it more seriously. It seems like a lot of the women in my generation just want to get married because they see it as a right of passage or because they want to compete with their friends. They don’t see it as a partnership.

    If I was with someone who I truly felt like was doing it for the right reasons and was taking it seriously enough I’d definitely marry them. Just have not met that person, and if I never do I’ll never get married.

  17. Not married but in my eyes marriage means something. If i were to divorce i wouldnt remarry thats for sure.

  18. I take my vows seriously. It’s me and her against the world. I’ve got her back she’s got mine.

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