We work together and are both 20 years old. We are not often in the same section but can still see each other and talk a bit. Sometimes we have been in the same section and even working together. It’s good, but you have to understand that she is not average at all. She has pretty rich parents and you can tell by her jackets and things she own, I really like her because she is nice and most people like her and can work well with her. But sometimes I feel like she is fake cause her whole image of being rich and “nice” just doesn’t makes to me. Like how she tries to make people like her while still owning a bag that cost more than our monthly salary. Idk how I feel about it tbh. And after work when I think about her I sometimes feel hatred toward her and don’t like her at all. But when I see her at work when I just arrive it makes my day, I get happy and excited.

So I don’t really know, off work I really like her like but at work she makes my day by just seeing her but I can also hate her and feel that she is very fake. I want to ask her out but I don’t know, cause at work I don’t really like her and sometimes barely try to talk to her. But off work I kind of feel that she is great.

Idk what to do. It might get awkward if I ash her and she says no.

  1. Hmm, maybe you could average your feelings out and just be neutral about her?

    You’re probably very attracted to her but it sounds like your personalities are incompatible.

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