The majority of people I know in my area only make this much in jobs like this, I’m curious as to how far this statistic reaches as times have changed

  1. i have to pay over 50% of my salary in taxes and dues, there is no way I’d earn that much :’D

    But in the US, I probably could get that much.

  2. I should be crossing over 90k this year and I still have two pay raises coming.

    Between my investments and job….I should be at 6 figures in approximately 1.5 years give or take.

  3. I’m not in a labor intensive field (haven’t since my military or service technician days). However, governmental surveys indicate the median for most trade & labor intensive fields is well below $100K. Being friends with neighbors and having family members who do this kind of work, reaching that point is genuinely a function of overtime or residing in a high income area where a $100K is like making $60-$70K elsewhere in the U.S. HVAC technicians live for the day when people are putting on their A/C or Heat for the first time (or extreme weather that strains systems). All of a sudden they’re flooded with call outs and they’re putting in 10-12 hour days 6 days a week. So they pad their yearly income at the expense of putting themselves thru the ringer.

  4. I’m on a solid path to earn 6 figures (give or take) this next year and years to come. I’m a freelance sound mixer in the film industry. There’s a good bit of money to be made in the film industry if you put in the time and effort to establish relationships and learn a craft. Money flowing in can change pretty drastically over the years depending on how busy you are (or allow yourself to be) but generally it can be a really quality work/life/income balance if you play your cards right and choose the right projects.

  5. I’m at 85 as an aircraft mechanic, so a handful of overtime days throught the year would put me over 6 figs. And I work roughly 6 months out of the year.

  6. Diesel mechanic in Ohio here. We see more trucks than a lot of places and have a severe shortage of new comers. Meanwhile if your experienced 40 a hour can be very common. I recently turned down 65 per hour cause I run my own truck and business at 120 a hr and that rate is about to go up to roughly 150. Oh and then add mileage and parts markup. Before covid I was in the 350k range

  7. I make a high six figures but not in a labor intensive job

    Though if I recall correctly physical labor and skilled trade jobs are making in the six figures and jumpimg on that would be beneficial

  8. I know a handful of mailmen making 6 figures, one is on his third year and that’s not include goose come holiday season. This is from endless overtime. I’m just shy of 6 and not even on the overtime desire list.

  9. I do as a farmer on average, though it’s far more confusing to say what I actually make than one would think. Difficult to separate gross and net, personal and business, taxes and what I pay myself in salary.

    Some years are great, some are terrible. All depends on weather. I get one payday a year, so have to budget that to last until the next harvest.

    But who even knows how many hours I work. At least 6 10s, and 40+ 12 hour days straight is common at peak seasons.

  10. Hi, I work on tugboats. 6 figures from back breaking labor, shitty hours, bad weather and poor shore side management.

  11. Maybe in your zip code, these are the only job’s available at that pay rate.

    I make that, but I am far from labor intensive. I sit at a computer all day. Sometimes I even go golfing.

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