A little bit of information for the matter. I met this girl in one of my college classes, English to be exact. We talked on the first day of class and I felt like I really gravitated towards her. She’s shy and likes to keep to herself, which is what I also am as well.

We didn’t talk that much throughout the weeks of class, but we talked to each other again on the last day of my english class which was this week (the class was really compressed and short). She then asked for my snap and I gave it to her. I felt so giddy and happy on my drive back home and the next day, which was yesterday, I sent her a small text saying “Hey :)” and she responded, we talked for the rest of the day until she suddenly left me on read.

I assumed she was just busy, but it’s been since yesterday now, and she also viewed my stories but has still left me on delivered. I’m afraid of messaging her again because I don’t want to upset her. Can someone please help me with this?

  1. It means they are not prioritizing interacting with you as of now. Don’t be needy. Don’t chase or beg them to respond. Now is the time to be genuinely busy in your life focusing on hobbies and goals, while interacting with other people on the side. Chase excellence, not people.

  2. Maybe she just forgot to respond? I do this all the time to people and then realize a few days later I never responded. It doesn’t mean I’m not interested in the conversation, I’m just a lazy piece of shit sometimes

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