What movie has a great opening scene but is a terrible film?

  1. Army of the Dead

    I’m probably not going to reach the right audience, but I’m curious if the downvotes indicate that people didn’t like the opener of Army of the Dead, which I think was a 5 minute awesome summary of a great story, or that they Did like the whole rest of the movie (which was a letdown after the opener, in my opinion)

  2. I can’t think of any. And I’ve never seen any of the movie suggestions others have offered

  3. I don’t know if I’d call it a terrible film but the opening of Chasing Amy is the best part of that movie

  4. Watchmens opening credits are amazing. Then it begins to miss the point pretty fast

  5. Can’t think of a opening but nor would I call it a terrible film. Force awakens, the scene where Poe and Finn escape on the tie fighter was incredible. I thought I was getting ready to see the adventures of Poe and Finn but that’s not what we got lol

  6. I would not go as far as saying the movie is terrible but Swordfish is one of the best openings ever and after that it becomes just a very ok flick.

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